TDD course with AdonisJs - 7. Moderators
Published 10/6/2019
This article is part of a series:
1 TDD course with AdonisJs - 1. Let's build a reddit clone
2 TDD course with AdonisJs - 2. Our first test
3 TDD course with AdonisJs - 3. Model factories & DB transactions
4 TDD course with AdonisJs - 4. Using the auth middleware
5 TDD course with AdonisJs - 5. Middlewares
6 TDD course with AdonisJs - 6. Validation
7 TDD course with AdonisJs - 7. Moderators
8 TDD course with AdonisJs - 8. Third party APIs, ioc and custom validators
Let's build an option for moderators to delete/update any thread.
You can find all the changes in the following commit:
test('moderator can delete threads', async ({ assert, client }) => {
const moderator = await Factory.model('App/Models/User').create({ type: 1 })
const thread = await Factory.model('App/Models/Thread').create()
const response = await client.delete(thread.url()).send().loginVia(moderator).end()
assert.equal(await Thread.getCount(), 0)
As you can see we simply create a user through our factory. But this time, we pass an object. This is to override the factory settings. To make the override work, let's head over to factory.js, where we receive the passed data as the third argument in our user factory.
Factory.blueprint('App/Models/User', (faker, i, data) => {
return {
username: faker.username(),
password: '123456',,
Run the tests and we get the error SQLITE_ERROR: table users has no column named type
So let's add the "type" field to our user migrations. We will simply add it to the existing migration file that ends with _user.js.
in the "database/migrations" folder. (Tip: in vscode just search for "migration user" and the fuzzy search will find it)
The way the "type" field works for now is 0 = normal user and 1 = moderator.
Running the test again returns
expected 403 to equal 204
403 => 204
This makes sense, moderators currently receive a 403 (forbidden), since we haven't made the change in our middleware yet. For that let's first break down from the feature test into a unit test in modify-thread-policy.spec.js
Add the following test
test('moderator can modify threads', async ({ client }) => {
const moderator = await Factory.model('App/Models/User').create({ type: 1 })
const thread = await Factory.model('App/Models/Thread').create()
let response = await`test/modify-thread-policy/${}`).loginVia(moderator).send().end()
Now this test will also return a 403, so let's change the code in ModifyThreadPolicy.js
class ModifyThreadPolicy {
async handle ({ params, auth, response }, next) {
const thread = await Thread.findOrFail(
if (auth.user.type !== 1 && thread.user_id !== {
return response.forbidden()
await next()
Alright, that makes the tests pass. Now of course we have to refactor this! But now we have the tests to let us change the code with confidence.
First thing we want to refactor is auth.user.type !== 1
. I don't like passing around these hardcoded values, so let's change it up like this
if (!auth.user.isModerator() // ...
If we run the tests, we will have broken most of them because the isModerator
method does not exist yet. To create it, let's again first break down to a unit test that checks this one thing specifically.
Run the following command to create a new test "adonis make:test user" and choose "Unit test".
Replace the file with the following code testing if the user is a moderator.
'use strict'
const { test, trait } = use('Test/Suite')('User')
const Factory = use('Factory')
test('can check if user is moderator', async ({ assert }) => {
const user = await Factory.model('App/Models/User').make({ type: 1 })
The difference between Factory.model(...).make and .create is that "make" does not store the user in the database, therefore making it a little faster.
And run the test in isolation
npm t -- -f "user.spec.js"
This will return the same error as before TypeError: user.isModerator is not a function
Now let's add the actual code in app/Models/User.js
isModerator() {
return this.type === 1
And the test becomes green!
Let's add another test testing if the code also works for users that are not moderators.
test('can check if user is not a moderator', async ({ assert }) => {
const user = await Factory.model('App/Models/User').make()
And now when we run the entire test suite again, all tests are green!
Let's head back to the policy again. Personally I find our condition to be hard to read, it can certainly be simplified:
async handle ({ params, auth, response }, next) {
const thread = await Thread.findOrFail(
if (auth.user.isModerator()) {
return next()
if (thread.user_id === {
return next()
return response.forbidden()
Finally let's add the missing test that moderators can update threads
test('moderator can update title and body of threads', async ({ assert, client }) => {
const thread = await Factory.model('App/Models/Thread').create()
const moderator = await Factory.model('App/Models/User').create({ type: 1})
const attributes = { title: 'new title', body: 'new body' }
const response = await client.put(thread.url()).loginVia(moderator).send(attributes).end()